Sunday, December 20, 2009
1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint
2. exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3. Philosophy. the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination.
These definations make me wonder,is there are still any truly free people left..How many of us are truly free,free to do our thing,free to chase illusions,free to dream our dreams,free to love the ones we like and even more free to hate the others.
Freedom in most countries,is bestowed as the very fabric with which modern societies are binded.Yet modern societies are so intricately strangled,the ideals of freedom have been lost.Every moment of our existence is ruled,determined and generalized by a set of rules.
The rules of a family, of a society,of a country,of humans,of nature.There is no denying the fact that we all consiously or unconsioulsy are subservient to the same.
In my search of truly free people, two groups of people have always had me on the edge.
The mad (as in crazy) and the doped (as in drug addicts).
There is lot common between these two sets than what meets the eye on a superficial glance.
Both have there own worlds,live on there terms and are genuine.Its not as if thier worlds are rulesless.Freedom is not the absence of rules,freedom is to choose the rules.People who choose my set of rules are free to live with me. I dare to venture that these people are free from the ultimate bond: the bond of life or death.Doesn't this make them the truly free people.
What i wonder is how the great artists,musicians,painters,singers,dancers and even sportpersons have hovered on and around these categories. Does the absence of restraint,control and rules sets them from the rest of us.Ohh freedom is such an abuser !!
Coming back to our world,people this is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.(ref: FC) You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.(ref: more FC).
People i am not here to argue.You are free in a democracy,you choose your leaders,you make your celebrities,you dictate your judiciary.You have free markets(ohh no did i say free markets lets save that for some other time),you choose your religions,you are free to change the stations you tune into, the dresses that you wear,the places you go..
People i am here to acquaint your esteemed selves to true freedom.Why do you wanna live in a democracy...coz you are born to it,choose your leaders..what you are some lower class lacking vision,celebrites..arent you one..the dresses,the place,the places all that been offered to you are is just a piece of the complete thing.Every one is being generalized and bought into a same ridiculous delusion.True freedom is what has been dormant in us.We all have been instituionalised.
"Take most people, they're crazy about cars. They worry if they get a little scratch on them, and they're always talking about how many miles they get to a gallon, and if they get a brand-new car already they start thinking about trading it in for one that's even newer. I don't even like old cars. I mean they don't even interest me. I'd rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God's sake." (REF: TCITR)
Do re read the above paragraph and tell em if you still wanna get that new Veyron or ride a horse.We are so control freak that we miss the whole point that our lifes are being controlled themselves.This is the worst abuse of freedom when you falsely think you are free.
Damn !!
"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty..." -- Abraham Lincoln
Freedom will lead to anarchy.So lets have a set of rules to govern us.Lets normalize every one so that order is maintained in society.So some wise people, all through ages have been doing there bit in laying down the limits for us.So we have all these rules that make good things prohibited.The trick is in not knowing that you are a part of the tick.Thats how we been tricked.
Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler. (ref: FC again man i lov this movie..)
P.S:Right now i am tryin to capture a mood so that my next blog piece is up.And since that mood is eluding me i had to put of somehting to keep my blog space alive..
Instead of crapping about wots above this you may try to :
For those to whom SPEED means freedom of the soul:--
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8:36 PM
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This was good filler my friend. This has a very nice perspective on freedom. In the case of the dopers I feel even they are deprived of freedom. They are dependant on those drugs and the kick they get..which makes them crave for money..which makes them again bound to the world... the only choice they get here is to smoke and feel happy...they still have to procure the stuff wherein there are some rules. In the case of retards or mad people. they are bound in thier own world...they may be prisoners in that world...and in fact are atleast prisoners in this world because they are forcibly living here
conforming to the rules....allowing people to forcibly shock them...or manhandl them...i also feel u hit the bulls eye when u said freedom is relative...the quote by lincoln benchmarking it....its a very gud thought..i completely beleive in this philosophy of urs... well presented
"..n the case of the dopers I feel even they are deprived of freedom..."
Nada i think this is what drives them towards freedom..they are so disillusioned in this world that they invent another ones for themselves..
"They are dependant on those drugs and the kick they get"
Fuck me..It never hit me..
that means even they are not truly free...Nice Observation !!
"they may be prisoners in that world" -- Dude a prisoner is kinda to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive of thoughts..
What my basic presumption was we consider ourselves to be free and have been so very brought up with this that we fail to realize the shackles we are in..
Lincoln was a good man !!
I am readin him up these days..when Obama is creating so much of a stirr..
Paps finally forays into essays. Very good start to say the least. This piece did make me argue with myself over the definition of some concepts. The underlying idea is obviously triggered by the feeling of a need to break free. But are liberty and freedom interchangable terms?? Freedom is best exercised when a man is in all his senses and does what he wants to. So mad people and dopers, acc to me, dont qualify as free coz one important ingridient has been taken away here, 'choice'. What the above mentioned characters do may not confirms to the rules of society, as u call them, but then its not free will at play there. A doper is hardly conscious of his surroundings and the effect of his actions on them and vice versa. Liberty on the other hand is more bound by rules, as a concept in my opinion. Absolute free will is not liberty in today's society. Liberty still asks to follow certain rules and norms, but absolute freedom and unbiased choice make no such demands and therefore their effects are much harder to predict or classify. So when Tyler Durden tells us that we aint our jobs or the car we own, he is talking bout the absolute freedom and the identity of human soul and not just liberty. Now this is just an argument that your piece triggered in my mind. I really love it that u decided to write something other than poems and songs. We needed to see this paps too and am enthralled to have finally encountered him!! Keep it up mate.
Some typos in the above thing..plz ignore them :D
The choice point by contra is a gud one
"But are liberty and freedom interchangable terms??"
What i believe is they are.I believe liberty is a tiny subset of freedom.
Freedom in political circles roughly transaltes to liberty.
THats what i believe.Reagrding liberty this is what i read somehwere:--
"Liberty is not the right to do what one wants, but the right to do what one must." so its kinda social freedom.
So mad people and dopers, acc to me, dont qualify as free coz one important ingridient has been taken away here, 'choice'.
Though you have an point,i think Nada captured it better.
When Nada said they are dependent on drugs/or wotever for freedom,so that obviously berefts them of freedom not to have the drugs...
The idea of an freedom what i wanted to cater is its not like a menu at a restaurant where you go in and then say i will have this this and that .
As i am free to choose the menu i am free.My idea of freedom is no menu at all.
You simply walk in take what ever you can see,no one to suggest or limit what you can have or not.
The world of crazzy and doped is jusst lik this.
Being consious of your surrounding and then behaving to them is also not freedom.You behave as if you aint know the surroundings.Being consious of surroundings are modelling your actions on them is in a way behivaing to the choices availble to you.
Hmm....hope you got the point..By dopers/mad being free i mean there world is free.
I fi nd it difficult ot do articles other than silly craps bcoz i am low on patience..
You never know what the world thorws at you and how you change to them..
i am having more fun out of articles..Hope next one will be up soon.
And i like that point in cathcer in the rye where he says lets ride a horse and not a car !!!
What have we become !!
Free People!!
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